Special Events Increases
Making Sure Your Cover Stays Fit For Purpose
Life Insurance can be an uncomfortable topic and the thought of going through a review can feel overwhelming.
We are here to guide and support you through the highs and lows of Life Insurance.
As you journey through the ups and downs of life, your need for Life Insurance will also change. What may have started as a singular Life with Trauma Policy set up to cover your mortgage or business loan, may now need to be a Multiple Life and Benefit Policy taking into consideration the ability to provide financial support for your growing family or business.
We are committed to ensuring your Life Insurance Program grows with you.
We have the knowledge and expertise to help you put in place fit for purpose financial protection for you, your family and your business.
There are certain events that will happen to most people, and when these do, a review of your cover is recommended.
You Need A Review When:
When you have a salary increase
You are pursuing a new career opportunity
Your business is growing, and so is the importance of your role
When you are taking out a new home/business loan, or increasing an existing one
When you have cancelled a mortgage/loan
You are about to get Married or now in a De Facto Relationship
You are due to undergo or have suffered a major medical event
You are due to have a baby or adopt a child
Your child is about to move into secondary school
Your Eldest Child is moving into Tertiary Education
Should you become a full time carer for an immediate family member
Have gotten divorced or legally separated
Have suffered a recent loss of a dearly beloved partner, husband or wife
Your Insurer may provide a Special Event Increase Clause under their Life, Trauma and Total Permanent Disability Covers. If you have recently had, or about to have, one of these Special Events happen to you, then it could be possible to increase your cover without the need to complete a full application with your insurer.
Get in touch and we can review what options are available to you.